REAL NAME: Robert “Bobby” L. Field
AGE: Early forties
OCCUPATION: Professional Super Hero
AFFILIATIONS: 5th Power, Pure Power's Plant

BACKGROUND: Robert L. Field was an Army soldier who volunteered for “chemical enhancement”, the US Army’s attempt at creating a super soldier.  Out of the five hundred volunteers four hundred and two weren’t affected, ninety four died and four developed super powers.  They became the Army’s covert paranormal strike force and were used in actions world wide such as Desert Storm.  Bobby loved the work and commended himself well, but never rose above the rank of corporal due to his lack of leadership skills.
 The existence of the strike team was revealed as well as the death count necessary to create it.  The team was suddenly an embarrassment and Bobby was discharged.  He was given a new identity as well as a standard origin for his powers and the gun he used.  After a few dismal months at attempting to be a solo hero he was recruited by N.U.K.E. to join his new team.  Bobby liked being in a unit again and became 4th Power-later 5th Power's-most loyal soldier.

With the death of Morden at the hands of his clone Bobby has gone into semi-retirement.  He now a part-time teacher at Pure Power's Plant, specializing in basic handling of super strength, small unit tactics and basic weapon handling.

PERSONALITY: Bobby is a follower, not a leader.  He likes to fight and to win, and beyond that there isn’t much to him.  Many have compared him to a poorly written comic book character, being all flash and style and no substance.

POWERS: Extreme Soldier is stronger and more resilient than the normal human being.  He carried an extremely large blaster designed to respond only to his palm print, but it was lost when his clone set it to self destruct.  ES has extensive combat knowledge garnered from his eight years in the US Army.

APPEARANCE: Rob is a large man, standing six foot eight.  He is broad shouldered and his body is layered with slabs of muscle.  His thighs seems inordinately large and almost seem to make his feet seem small by comparison.  He has a large jaw and mouth and large gleaming white teeth.  He wears his brown hair short.  He is a somewhat handsome man, although he always looks stressed.  Extreme Soldier’s costume is white with large red metal bands at his shoulders and around his waist, with red boots and gloves.
