REAL NAME: Keary McKenna
Age: Early twenties
BACKGROUND: Every generation has a guardian to protect the Earth from the another realm, one made up of the essence of Man's dreams.  Creatures inhabited this other realm, creatures anxious to walk our Earth, and sometimes these creatures would find a breach that allowed them to enter our world.  These breaches were especially common in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, hence a guardian is especially needed here. This guardian is known as The Morrigan.  Once there were dozens of Morrigans, but over the centuries their numbers dwindled.  Only the seventh offspring of a seventh offspring could become one, and with the purges of Cromwell, the potato famine, and mass exodus to the 'States many of whom who could have become one had dwindled. The last to bear the cloak was Sorcha Regan, who had inherited it from her grandfather.  Over time she sought out a replacement, but it had proven difficult. At last she found a girl, Keary McKenna.

Keary was not enthused.

Keary was a simple girl who wished nothing more to attend college, become a novelist and travel the globe.  She had big plans and wanted nothing to do with being a hero.  but despite Sorcha's abrasive personality the woman could be persuasive, and at heart Keary was a patriot who loved her country.  Reluctantly she donned the cloak and began her training.

Then the EDI overtook the world and Keary was forced to become the Morrigan years too soon when the first was captured.  She followed Sorcha's emergency plan and summoned the Faerie to aid in driving back the invaders.  Sorcha was rescued, and was surprised to find a change in the girl who wanted to be anything but The Morrigan.  Keary McKenna saw the beasts who waited to attack her home, and now at last she understood what it meant to be The Morrigan.  And while she would ever be a reluctant hero she would bleed and die for her land.

PERSONALITY: Keary is a pleasant, sensible and intelligent girl whose new apprenticeship has sobered her greatly.  While she still harbors dreams of writing and travel she knows they must take second place to her destiny.

POWERS: The Morrigan is the guardian that stands between our conscious reality and the dreamstuff that lurks beneath.  She has inherited various magical powers along with her charge to make her a worthy guardian.  The most common powers she has displayed have been flight, physical resilience, super human strength (although nothing nearly approaching someone like Lionheart), and the ability to pass between shadows.  When she dons her tattered black cloak she also dons a field that reacts to the unconscious fears all men and women.  People are nervous around her, they react to her presence in an unconscious and negative way that gives her a subtle edge.  She is also able to call upon the hidden dreams and fears of any person and manifest them, stunning them. The Morrigan is also able to control flocks of birds, most notably ravens and crows, and is able to see and communicate through them.

Keary has grown quite knowledgeable regarding magic lore both through personal experience and tutoring under both Grimoire and Sorcha.

APPEARANCE: Keary is a pretty girl with short light brown hair and hazel eyes.  She used to be a little on the plump side but her apprenticeship to Sorcha has slowly burned the fat off of her.  As The Morrigan her hair turns bone white and grows thick and long, her skin takes on a deathly pallor and her eyes grow milky.  She wears black boots, a loose black costume for freedom of movement, black gloves and a large tattered black cloak that seems to move of it's own volition.


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