Real Name: Tamara Koll
Heroic Name: Soleste
Age: 1 / 102
Height: 8 inches
Gender: Female
Hair color: Blond, almost white.  worn long, almost half her height
Eye color: Green


Tamara Koll person was born in in America in 1900 with mixed Euro-Asian decent.  She was married when she was twenty to Nathaniel MacIntosh; an automotive engineer.  Riding high in the '20s, they thought to put off having children.  But in 1932 Nathan committed suicide.  Tamera, now 32 never really recovered.  she never remarried either.  By 1980 She was still living in the same townhouse that she and Nathan had purchased in 1925.

To walk through the door was to take a trip back in time.  It was still 1930 when the MacIntosh's were still happy.  Outside, however, the surrounding buildings were not as nice.  Much of this area had fallen into slums.  This area was sold to developers and the people there forced to move.  Tamara managed to find an apartment she could barely afford.  Soon she was forced to move into the present.  A friend introduced her to an appraiser who went through her things.  The majority was not worth much and would sell for little.  However there was a painting that Nathan had bought  shortly after they were married.  The painting, a watercolor, itself was almost worthless but beneath the watercolor was an oil painting.  This canvas turned out to be worth a fortune. Tamara kept everything but the painting.  She moved into a better neighborhood into a similar Townhouse.

She was blessed with a long life and none of the typical ailments that people get at her age.  If not for circumstances that would soon follow, she would likely have lived happily for several if not many more.

She was walking home from the local Florist clutching a potted flowering plant, and rounded the corner to see two groups fighting each other. Beyond them was her home.  but these were not some gang fights that she lived with in the old neighborhood, but two teams of paranormals.

It was a war-zone.  For the most part the local police had corddoned off the area, but she ducked down an alley that she knew would lead to her home.  A half a block over, she could still hear the battle.  If she looked up she'd see an occational beam of light.  Only a little further and she would be home, but suddenly, a brute of a creature crashed through a wall and into the alley.  It was a horrid thing and she tried to get away, but another one of these paranormals flew down to the alley entrance.  It shot a bolt of energy at the thing and missed.  The thing lept away and the other followed.

Smoke cleared and the last piece of rubble fell from where the energy bolt had hit the wall.  Beneath the rubble was the body of an old woman.  Still holding the potted plant.

It was quiet then.  The paranormals had left and the Police had not even noticed the pile of rubble at the end of the alley.  An extrordinary thing happened.  The plant seemed to come to animated life.  It wrapped around the womans hand and seemed to summon other plant life.   Soon, vine and grasses came around corners and up through the cracked street to entomb the once long lived woman.

Nature itself seemed to think that Tamara had more left to do in the world.  The body of the old woman disappeared.  It its place ontop of the rubblewrapped in leaves lay a small form about 8" long and slight.  If for not the translucent wings and the slight glow, it could have been a large Barbie Doll.

Soleste woke.

Soleste worked for The Dragon Slayers, Then joined The Vindicators, then moved to Murentenshelien.  Fed up with taking orders from people, she turned on her faey masters and led a defection of some two thousand faeries to Great Britain.  She has since formed an island refuge known as Solestia and is the faeries' Barrow Queen.

Personality:  Soleste is a very happy person, sort of like taking the amount of human size happyness and stuffing it into a body only 8" tall.  But she has the wisdom of someone who has lived a hundred years.She isn't easily angered.  But then it takes a lot before anyone takes her seriously.

Appearance: Her hair is cut very short.  Her clothes look like they came from a barbie doll (which is the truth).She glows in the dark.  Or more correctly, she is always outlined in a sourceless light.  Her wings are like those from an insect but are soft if touched.  When she sleeps, her wings fold around her and she appears to derive comfort from this.   It is obvious that they do not support her in flight, but they do help in maneuvering.  If natural light hit her wings, there is an irridecent glow.


Flight: Her ability to fly is supernatural.  As written above, the wings provide maneuvering.  She is capable of short burst of speed but for long distances she will hitch a ride.  Like planes from WWII, she can dive for more speed, but runs the risk of going SPLAT if she doesn't pull up in time.

Forcefield:  That sourceless glow does more than look cute.  It is also a forcefield to protect her from harm.  But she would still go SPLAT if she didn't recover from one of those powerdives.  Though it is always on, she still needs to eat and the field does not prevent her from "consuming mass quantities"

Knockback resistance: Just enough to keep her from going in the opposite direction when using...

Energy Blast:   She can call upon the forces of nature to release a ball of energy from her hands.  Soleste thinks this is very powerful, but then she IS only 8" tall.

Spacial Awareness:  Soleste can close her eyes and get a vague sense of where everthing is around her.  This isn't the 'I can hit you even if I can't see you' ability, it is more like 'I need to flee, where is safety'

Nature Sense: More than an ability to sense living things, Soleste can talk to the animals and plants. Whether they talk back is up to them.  And even if they do, there is no certainty that what they say will be usefull:

  Soleste: "Hey mr. Hawk, have you seen a big scaly thing walk buy?
  Hawk: gazing at character"LUNCH, ...nice...tasty...morsel..."

  Soleste: "Hey mr. Crow, have you seen a big scaly thing walk by?"
  Crow: "Look, Look shiny thing, shiny thing, must have, must have"
flap flap flap
  Soleste:  to herself 'stupid crows! why do I even bother!'

Skills:  Soleste is new to the world but with a vague sense that she is older than she looks.  She could pass the SAT test, but ask her WHY she knows basic Algebra and she can only shug.

The Chorus: Soleste is often accompanied by at least three faeries who sing her praises and who can also augment her powers.

Magic Items

Solest possesses a small blue gem that allows her to open most doors.


If she is blinded she will try to flee rather than trying to determine where her temptor is. She contradicts this if she knowingly goes into a situation knowing that she will be blinded (going into a burning, smoke filled, building for example)

Though her wings do not give her flight, they do provide "steering".  So if her wings were somehow bound or hampered she could still fly but would only be able to do so in a straight line.  So in order to change direction she would have to land, turn in that direction and fly in a straight line, and even the landing would be more like a barely controlled fall.

In her short life, Soleste has developed an insatable curiosity.  It is sort of like the joke about a puppy's thought process "what's that, what's that, what's that, what's that, oops gotta pee.....what's that, what's that, what's that, what's that, what's that, oops gotta pee...what's that, what's that....Fortunately without the "gotta pee" part.

This is the chief way for getting Soleste into trouble.

Vindicators      Behind The Veil