Ori Thricebound

REAL NAME: Ori Dorisson

BACKGROUND: Ori Dorisson was a dwarf of proud heritage, bringing honour to his family by using his skills to craft the arms and armour that the clan's warriors used in glorious battle.  He was a runesmith of great skill, trained at the hand of Dvalin himself, the runemaster who crafted the rings for the Allfather that contained the essence of his children and allow them to walk upon Midgard.  Ori and his clan preferred to remain in their new home; Midgard was too close to 'the old family' for comfort.

But then Ori was snatched from his family, his clan, and his home by mortal magic.  Somehow, a Sargasso had summoned him and performed the triple binding upon him.  Whilst they were long separated from the Fae, the triple binding could still work upon dwarves – bound by blood, bound by steel, and bound by name.  The Sargasso had obtained Ori's name and a weapon he had crafted, using his own blood in the forging to enhance its properties.  This mysterious Sargasso then handed him over to those who he had summoned him for – the Van Sadias.  Eager to discover new techniques to enhance their own creations, they bound Ori to that end, seeking to discover how runesmithing worked and how it could be incorporated into their own magics.  They kept Ori captive for decades, crafting weapons for their use and trying to learn how to duplicate his methods.

PERSONALITY:  Ori is a gruff, taciturn dwarf – his treatment has made him suspicious of mortals, and he is likely to think the worst of people until they prove otherwise.  His trust is hard-won, but once earned he is a steadfast ally.  From his treatment, he has an intense hatred of [Hagan Vangsness?] and by extension the Van Sadias, and to a lesser extent the Sargasso clan.  He has an intense fear of being held captive – threats of  imprisonment will drive him to anger, and if being taken prisoner seems a realistic proposition he is likely to react unpredictably and irrationally.

APPEARANCE:  Ori is of typical dwarf proportions, standing a little over four and a half feet tall, but more squat and broadly proportioned than a human of the same size.  Like any good dwarf he takes pride in his beard, keeping it rich and full.  It is normally bound together near its point to keep it control, a common practice among runesmiths to keep their beards from getting in the way when working in the forge.

POWERS/ABILITIES: Ori is a runesmith; rather than using speech to channel magic, he needs to shape runes to direct and contain his power.  The more permanent and sturdy the rune, the more power it can contain.  Ori can channel transient, lesser magics by tracing a rune shape in the air.  Stronger effects can be achieved by drawing or scratching the rune onto a surface, but will be disrupted when the rune is defaced or erased.  The true art of the runesmith is in shaping runes into forged or crafted items.  The stronger and more durable the material, the more powerful the enchantment that can be laid in to the runes. 

The first thing runesmiths are taught to craft are small tablets carved with single runes; these are basic tools of the runesmith's trade, and unlike more powerful enchantments can only be used by the smith that crafted them.  Novices begin with carved wooden tablets, and as they advance graduate to stone, which can contain more power.  As the runesmith progresses in ability, they are taught the ways of the forge.  The runesmith needs the skill  to craft masterwork items capable of containing the power of the runes to be laid upon them.  Be it a jewelled brooch, a fine axe or a mighty shield, the runesmith's products are of unmistakable quality.  To craft such an item is no minor undertaking, and to craft the legendary items that are the pinnacle of their craft requires rare and mythical ingredients. 

Also worth mentioning are dwarf tattoos.  Dwarves have a long history of using tattoos to indicate clan status, family roots and mighty achievements, so it is no wonder that at some point someone tried tattooing an enchanted rune onto dwarf skin.  It is not possible to scribe a tattoo of sufficient quality on your own body; a runemaster normally receives their first tattoo from their teacher as an apprentice – it is always Kenaz, the torch, rune of creativity, knowledge, expertise and mastery of fire.  This is because If they are ever to be capable of crafting truly magnificent rune items, a runesmith must be able to stand unharmed in the inferno required to smelt uru, mithril and other such mythical elements.  When they are judged to have finished their apprenticeship, the new runesmith receives a second rune of their choice.  Ori chose Nauthiz, the rune of resilience, strength and force of will, a common choice for runesmiths, granting him the strength to heft anvils and bend the hardest of metals to shape in his forge – and to withstand mighty hammer blows (it is a rune that has saved the thumbs of many a runesmith).  It should be noted that whilst tattoos can be placed on non-dwarves, it is very rare and a great honour to receive even an unenchanted dwarf tattoo.  Most mortals cannot contain or channel the mystic power of an enchanted tattoo, and if they can there are almost always unforseen side effects.  Other magic users cannot benefit from such a tattoo – their own magical channelling 'short circuits' the rune's magical power.

As masters of runes, no written word can hold its secrets from a runesmith – Ori is capable of interpreting any written words, no matter what language they are written in.  This only reveals the actual meaning of the word or symbol as written; if the word's meaning is deliberately obscured (e.g. code words or cyphers) then it will remain so.

As a dwarf, his magic is strongest when channelling the powers of fire or earth, and weakest when using air or water. 

SKILLS:  As with any runesmith, Ori is a master blacksmith, stonemason and metallurgist.      All dwarves are expected to be able to defend their clan, and runesmiths are expected to be proficient with the tool of their trade in combat, and Ori can crack skulls with his hammer as well as the next dwarf.  Ori is also fond of the ancient divinatory art of runecasting.

EQUIPMENT: Where many mages utilise staves, Ori instead wields a long-hafted hammer, the weapon that was used to bind him.  This hammer, Spellbreaker, is also branded with Nauthiz on one face, making it nigh indestructible and combines with Ori's own rune to further enhance his strength when wielding it.  On the other it carries Thurisaz, the rune of destruction and disruption, making it especially potent for breaking through both physical barriers and magical enchantments.

Ori carries on his hip a bag full of small stone tablets etched with runes that provide him with a variety of spells.
