FULL NAME: Royston "Roy" Cragg
ALIASES: Junk, Junkie, The Back-Alley Mauler (in his early days)
AFFILIATIONS: Independent Operator (for now)

BACKGROUND: Junk was originally a vigilante hero who fought crime basically as a necessity... due to the rather criminal nature of his parents, he was born with peculiar physiological defects: specifically, his body drew nutrition from virtually anything that would kill a normal person, while 'healthy' normal food and macronutrients were dangerous and toxic to him.  Fortunately, his junkie parents fed him junk food almost from day one (Cheez-Its and McDonalds, and stuff) and he got by.  Later in life, he discovered that many more toxic things (poisons, drugs, medication in large quantities, etc) conferred a huge boost to his physiology, for a brief period (anywhere from minutes to hours, depending on the dosage). He had grown up angry at his drug-addled parents for giving him his condition, and he'd always had a hatred for the drug dealers who made his neighborhood a living hell.  He adopted a sort of pseudonym (originally he just acquired a red wig, but his outfit evolved from there) and spent his nights beating the crap out of drug dealers and, more importantly, stealing their supplies, so he could do them himself.  He recieved no high from these drugs... at least, no high like they were intended to give.  They gave him enhanced strength, reflexes, healing, and many drugs offered a plethora of strange side effects.

Roy is highly intelligent, even gifted, but he barely made it through high school and has never really applied himself to any particular field, except where it directly relates to his activities. He speaks English, and is passable in Spanish and Cantonese.

POWERS: Junk's body derives sustenance, and gains tremendous bonuses, when subjected to poisons, toxins, and drugs of all sorts. His normal diet during the course of a day consists of Pringles, pixie sticks, Jolt Cola and Cheez Whiz. He smokes like a chimney (they help him breathe), but can control his habit so as not to bother friends (if he had any friends). he also drinks whatever alcohol he can get his hands on, since it provides the easiest and most predictable abilities, of generally enhanced strength, speed and durability (peak human). When it comes to the harder stuff... well: (keep in mind, these are all unusually large doses)

Cocaine: greatly enhanced strength and speed (car-throwing bad-ass, short-lived)
Speed / Meth / Ecstasy: Incredibly enhanced speed, reflexes and durability
LSD / Psychotics: Low-level psychic powers, precognition
Ephedrine / Atropine / adrenaline-based drugs: top-level speed and strength, short-lived
Alcohol: Low-level but longer-lasting speed and strength. Typically swigs a mickey before going into battle.
Heroin: Increased healing, higher-level speed and strength and durability, quite long lasting, hard to get
Weed: Low-level psychic powers, increased healing
Cyanotics / most poisons: Increased healing
Others: GM's discretion. Hit me with your best shot!

He can mix and match, but it reduces the duration of both, and also depletes his supplies.

Downsides: while medical treatment generally has very little effect, some beneficial medicines will damage his body, while many other 'dangerous' medications will cause his body to heal (the problem is convincing doctors to give it to him).  Also, normal foods, especially fruits and vegetables are very dangerous to him.  Additionally, he's typically found with aboout twenty felony charges worth of drugs on his body at all times, and has a stash with a street value in the millions.And last but not least, his body is poison. His blood has been known to cause severe chemical burns, and on one occasion dissolved most of his own costume. Sort of the anti-Redcap.

EQUIPMENT: Surprisingly little. His bandoliers contain several years in prison worth of hard drugs, and his belt pouch usually has a couple mickeys of vodka, as well as his smokes. He doesn't like using weapons, preferring to just beat the allmight crap out of people with his bare hands, but is not above using improvised blunt objects (like chairs, tables, cinderblocks, small cars, other people, etc).

PERSONALITY: After experiencing the catharsis of savagely beating criminals and taking their stuff, as well as coming to terms with his drug 'habits', he's mellowed considerably, and can usually be considered a normal 20 year old. He liked loud music, action movies, and is discovering a love for the written word (mostly sci-fi and funny stuff, but he has a secret obsession with older stuff like Keats and Shakespeare). He's friendly, but guarded.  When in the presence of someone he considers to be taking advantage of the poor or innocent, he generally likes to tenderize them before asking information. Can be considered to have anger issues.

APPEARANCE: Roy has a very very very dark red and black outfit, with red and black belt-pouched and bandoliers. It's mostly made from home-dyed camo clothes, turning the shades of green into shades of red and black. He has red hair and wears red shades.

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