

REAL NAME: Meghana Keane

BACKGROUND: Meghana was born of a Dublin man and an ambitious Indian businesswoman from Liverpool by way of Bangalore.  Both were Sargassos through at least one of their parents.  She grew up in the clan and apprenticed under her father who was a very successful courier.  She discovered she had his knack for both opening up gateways and conjuring, drawing forth objects from elsewhere.  It was this conjuring trick that drew the attention of Kenneth McBride, one of Sargasso’s foot soldiers.  She learned from him that at least half the couriers doubled as trained soldiers to defend the clan.  So while she earned a living on the side ferrying people and products about, Kenneth taught Mechana the art of war: how to shoot, how to stab, how to fight, as well as more practical skills such as basic outdoor survival and some nasty tricks a fighter may need to learn.  He especially showed her how to conjur up weapons from her own personal arsenal, both mundane and mystic.

Meghana's graduation was a true baptism of blood, she was present when House Sargasso was assaulted by Graves and Tandian forces.  She was almost mortally wounded and would have died had not Kenneth picked her up bodily and tossed her screaming through a doorway and into a hospital in Aberdeen.  She remained there unconscious for days, a Jane Doe.  By the time she awoke the Sargassos were on the run, her parents dead.  She got in touch with surviving clan members, through magic she recovered quickly.  She then set about on the road of revenge and rescue, making Graves perma-dead and rescuing the clan children who had been spirited away.  By the time the dust settled the Graves’ ruling body was crippled, their mercenaries killed or forced into hiding, their power broken.  She had seen more than enough bloodshed to satisfy anyone and she entered a state of semi-retirement, returning to the life of a courier.

All the same, her arsenal was always ready, guns greased, knives kept razor sharp…

PERSONALITY: Meghana is a fairly stable person who does still suffer from the aftershocks of war.  She has killed her fair share of men, women and undead, both at a distance and very up close and personal, and these images sometimes haunt her.  She is very passionate about causes (she smuggles thousands of contraceptive devices into Ireland every year, calling the country of her birth a “Fundamentalist state run by a pack of sexist knuckle draggers”), fiery of temper and slow to trust.

Meghana is not happy unless she is doing something, anything.  She hates just sitting around and wants to be out and about, or performing some sort of task.  She largely dislikes the internet because using it usually means she has to sit still.  She simply does not get it's appeal at all.  She is almost never able to see a movie in a single setting.

APPEARANCE: Meghana is an attractive woman in her mid-twenties, she inherited much of her mother's beauty.  She has thick, dark brown hair she usually wears shoulder length, often she wears it in a bun to keep it out of the way.  She has warm brown eyes and dusky skin, and most often wears functional clothing like jeans, work boots and t-shirts along with a worn black leather jacket.  When "working" she will either clean up and look presentable, or to adhere to any potential cultural taboos a country she is heading to might possess.  When preparing for a fight she will outfit herself appropriately, often wearing dark gray or black.

POWERS/ABILITIES: A “classic” Sargasso, Meghana is an expert conjurer, able to summon forth any object of “manageable” size to her hand provided she is familiar with it.  The more familiar she is with the object , the easier it is (she can summon forth her Triumph motorcycle, for instance, since she has stripped it down numerous times.  However an object of similar mass she is barely familiar with would give her great trouble.  She is also able to conjure items she can see.  Meghana  is able to teleport people, but only if she knows them personally and only if they are willing.

Meghana is able to open up dimensional gateways via physical doorways between places she is familiar with.  A good courier, she has tagged along on numerous runs with others of her kind in order to be as familiar with as many places as possible.  She is sometimes able to open a doorway to a place she has not been provided a person she is with has been to that place and can form some sort of mental bond allowing her to make the connection.

Meghana is not a very good teleporter.  She can move at most five or six yards and only in line of sight, and always she is a bit disoriented.

SKILLS: Meghana knows very little of other magical disciplines.  She understands the very basics of alchemy and sorcery and due to the Graves/Tandian war has a working knowledge of Necromatic principles, but she is by no means able to put such knowledge into practice.  She is a decent mechanic and serviceable electrician, and she is a skilled gunsmith, able to strip down and clean just about any firearm and make minor repairs/adjustments.

Meghana is a fair hand-to-hand combatant and is quite aware that she will almost always be fighting out of her weight.  For this reason her style focuses on low kicks, throws, joint holds.  She is a pretty good knife fighter and has even taken fencing lessons.  She is a very good shot with pistols, a good shot with rifles at medium ranges but mediocre at best at long.

Meghana is a skilled drummer, good enough for a popular bar band and possibly to sit in for a studio recording, but good enough for the big time.  Her friends in her sometimes band B-Square nick-named her "Metronome" or "Metro" for short.  Coincidentally "Metro" is also her clan nick-name.

Meghana is fluent in French and Irish Gaelic, and she has an elementary proficiency in Spanish.

EQUIPMENT: When it comes to conventional equipment Meghana is very well situated.  She has a good sized arsenal of pistols, machine pistols, submachine guns, hunting rifles, assault rifles as well as combat shotguns.  Her ammunition ranges from conventional to anti-magic, with some pistols loaded with silver bullets.  She shies away from explosives ordnance but does have one assault rifle equipped with a grenade launcher, only for extreme emergencies.  She has access to some military hardware but uses it sparingly

Meghana's magical arsenal is quite small.  She has an enchanted dagger designed to “perma-dead” the undead and a few potions of vitality she gets by way of payment from a clutch of Alvareses.  She owns a leather long coat treated to be a bit resistant to conventional and magical attack.

Vindicators      Behind The Veil