NAME: Diane Lansedale

BACKGROUND: Diane Lansedale joined the FBI right out of college after she earned dual degrees in psychology and law.  A brilliant student, she proved to also be an equally able agent and was soon involved in numerous hi-profile cases, most of them involving paranormal crime.  She developed a well-earned reputation as being tough, intelligent, innovative as well as being relentless and almost fearless.

When The Hole was breached and numerous paranormal villains escaped Lansedale was head of the primary response unit sent in to secure what was left.  She worked with The Vindicators and offered them support when they arrived on the scene to help corral the escapees.  Due to the speed at which her team secured the site and brought it back online, she was given the job to temporarily oversee the repair and refitting of The Hole during it's reconstruction.  Afterwards she was appointed as special liason to the Department of Homeland Security, Midwest Division.  There she coordinated between the FPBI, Homeland Security and the Midwest super hero teams.

Over the years Diane was given numerous jobs in various departments and over time she began to realize she was being groomed to take over as head of the FPBI.  To her surprise in the wake of the Lord Dread affair the paranormal branch of the FBI was dissolved and she has now found herself as Chief Agent of the Bureau of Paranormal Affairs.

DESCRIPTION: Diane stands five foot ten and is in good shape; she tries to work out on a regular basis and it shows in her lean figure.  She has long blonde hair she often wears in a functional pony tail when in the field, cool gray eyes and attractive features.  She is fond of wearing low heels and pant suits due to their functionality, but friends have known her to wear a skirt and dance up a storm when off duty.

PERSONALITY: Diane is a very patriotic woman that loves her job.  She is also a closet "super groupie", although she is careful to hide this fact from her superiors.  Super heroes and villains fascinate her and her job at The Hole affords her an opportunity to get into the heads of the latter.  She is consciously aware that she should remain objective where paranormals are concerned; super villains are highly dangerous and super heroes serve Law Enforcement, not the other way around.  But objectivity is so very difficult to maintain when Vortex is standing just a few feet away, thanking her for her help...

Diane can play the political game when necessary, but she is not afraid to voice her opinion at the risk of her career if she feels the situation merits it.  What some might see as career suicide she sees as doing the right thing.  Her job is to provide her superiors with clear and unbiased information and to prove worthy of their trust as well as her subordinates.  And if all of that means she has to step on toes and say unpopular things, then so be it.

SKILLS: Diane has been given extensive training in paranormal investigative and apprehension techniques.  She is a good shot with a pistol and can operate a variety of exotic weapons.  She has an outstanding background in criminal psychology and has written numerous papers on the paranormal psyche.  Her organizational and leadership skills are top notch and she is highly respected by subordinates, peers and superiors.
