BACKGROUND: Hip Fernandez was born in Amorillo Texas to a pair of migrant workers.  Things were tough for the family for many years and Hip had turned to crime to help his family out.  He was caught a couple times but was given slaps on the wrists for his trouble.  But he finally got caught in a burglary and he was eighteen and now The System was going to come down on him.  Fortunately he had gotten a lenient judge who offered him a choice; prison, or the Army.  Hip chose the Army.

To his surprise he had a knack for military life.  He also had a knack for heavy weapons and was soon serving as an anti-tank gunner, platoon machine gunner, anything that required a large weapon an expertise.   He was made part of the Army Rangers and served in Grenada, Panama, and Desert Storm, distinguishing himself and impressing his superiors.  Hip rose to the rank of Master Sergeant.

Unfortunately for him military budget cuts resulted in Hip being let go from the Army.  He had picked up numerous skills while serving but he did not know quite what to do.  The answer came when one of his friends pointed out the FBI could use him.  The FBI had opened up a new branch that investigated and fought paranormal crime, and a heavy weapons specialist could go far.  Hip applied and was accepted despite his juvenile record.  For the next five years he and his unit were involved in numerous paranormal cases, fortunately for him he was not often called upon to use the exotic and powerful weaponry that was supposed to give the authorities an edge.

Tragedy struck when Hip’s knee was blown out by a villain called Shellshock.  Reconstructive surgery gave him a functional knee but he knew that it would not hold up in combat.  He took early retirement.  At loose ends, he hired himself out as a security specialist, using his years of experience in both the Army and FPBI.  He met Marion Bradley and was offered a good job with too many benefits to say no too, so he became Maximum Justice’s chief of security and armorer. He stayed on as the Vindicators chief of security until they left Motor City.  When The Valkyries moved into the city he was hired by them to fulfill the same role.  Once they departed and The Vindicators returned he once more became their security head.

DESCRIPTION:  Hip is a solidly built man who stands five foot eight.  Approaching fifty years of age, his hair is still black and he is still capable of taking on most men half his age.  He has black sharp eyes, and a rugged face lined by years of sun.

PERSONALITY: Hip is a good man that comes across as being stolid.  In reality he has a sense of humor but shows it only to his closest friends.  He has spent so many years both in the military and the FBI as an unemotional hard case and badass that he is comfortable with the persona.  People who work for him find him to be hard but fair, those he works for find him utterly dependable.

SKILLS: Hip is a veteran US Army Ranger, making him an expert in recon, infiltration, survival, hand to hand combat, and both heavy and light weapons.  He was also trained to drive most modern ground vehicles from semis to fork lifts.  His use of modern heavy weapons has given him an extensive understanding of electronics and programming.  His time spent in the FBI and Quantico expanded his knowledge in the realms of security, psychology and crime fighting techniques.

NOTE: Hip’s artificial knee gives him full functionality in day-to-day life but he is very much aware that it is a weakness in combat.  Because of this he will employ every means necessary to take down an opponent from a distance; macho kung fu crap can be left for younger men, in his view.

Vindicators      Behind The Veil